What are Snus and nicotine pouches?
Snus and nicotine pouches originated in Sweden and offer a modern way to consume nicotine - without smoke, vapor, charging or spitting.
Snus contains tobacco, while nicotine pouches are completely tobacco-free. They contain pure nicotine extracted from the tobacco plant. These pouches are often sold under names such as Nicotine Pouch, All White Snuschewing tobacco or nicopods. In Germany, the term "Snus" has become widely accepted and is often used as a collective term for both products.
The advantages of tobacco-free nicotine pouches:
Smells and tastes good, Does not stain teeth, Convenient way to consume nicotine, Less harmful than other smoke and smokeless products, Wide range of nicotine strengths (6 mg to 50 mg), Can be used anywhere and at any time - even in non-smoking areas
What are nicotine pouches made of?
The ingredients of nicotine pouches are always similar and include: Fillers (like in food), starch, flavors, water, nicotine
Snus buy - but where?
As products with tobacco are often only available in limited quantities, we offer a wide selection of tobacco-free nicotine pouches from all over the world at Snustrend . Whether fruity, classic mint or with variable nicotine strength - we have the right product for everyone.
Why order Snus online?
More and more people are ordering their Snus online due to the: Significantly lower prices, larger selection, optimal storage of products
SnusSnooze or Snous?
The terms snooze and snous are mainly used in Germany. In Sweden, the traditional term is Snus. No matter what you call it - you'll find your favorite products here.
Which nicotine strength should I choose?
Choosing the right nicotine strength depends on your personal preferences and experience. We offer products with strengths from 6 mg to 50 mg so that everyone can find the right product.